New Release: Jöelle Léandre & Michael Duch - (Live at) Gråmølna (ccs 31)
On the 31st October 2013 , the two double bass players Joëlle Léandre and Michael Duch played a duo concert together for the first time, at nyMusikk in Oslo. The following day, they made this recording at Gråmølna.The bassists first met at the Molde Jazzfestival in 2011, where Duch played a solo recital and a concert with Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, while Léandre had a guest spot with improv quartet SPUNK. After hearing Duch's solo album Edges from 2010, the two got to know each other and planned a collaboration. The music will be freely improvised and bass's sound possibilities will be explored to the fullest.
Jöelle Léandre - double bass & voice Michael Duch - double bass